Aimed at groups of between 8 and 12 and to normally last a school term (10-12 weeks) these offer an introduction to a number of different vocational areas delivered on site and where appropriate using our community links to provide a more fitting environment. Local tradespeople are engaged to provide the expertise where appropriate and also speak with the young people about there working day and their journey through training and employment. The AQA Unit award Scheme is used to recognise the achievements and experiences of the learner.
Focus Skills Groups
Targeted at groups of 2 – 5, within these sessions a smaller range of vocational areas would be experienced but at a greater depth. More complex techniques will be investigated, and a greater range of skills acquired within each area. AQA Unit Award Scheme will be used to provide a greater understanding of each vocation. Areas of study would be determined in discussion with both referrer and learner to find a best fit the young person.
Individual Skills Focus
Aimed at an individual young person, the focus of these sessions is a small number or single area of study. This is driven by the need of the young person and links are made within the industry to provide additional expertise and possible experience of the workplace. The AQA Unit Award Scheme is use to focus on area specific skills to prepare the learner for their Post 16 training.
AQA Unit Award Scheme
The Unit Award Scheme (UAS) is a unique way to record learner achievement. Its ‘can do’ approach is used to boost student confidence, engagement and motivation. The learners’ experiences and skills gained can be recognised and certificated to provide a portfolio of work to sit alongside other formal qualifications.
Using skilled staff and industry links GFTS Skills Academy can offer the learner an introduction to the following areas.
Furniture Reno
Web Dev
Carpet Fitting
Within our programmes we are also able to address the following key life skills as learners move to independence.
Careers Guidance
Business Skills
New Challenges
Community Work
Post 16 Options
Functional Skills – We can provide tutoring towards Level One and Level Two Functional Skills in both English and Maths.
Exploring apprenticeship pathways and opportunities